On December 1, 2010, I made the biggest decision that would affect me for the rest of my life. I decided to take charge of my health and have weight loss surgery(WLS). Most of my childhood and some of my adult life I battled with being overweight. My weight never really bothered me because I was pretty active doing dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading. I also didn’t suffer from any health issues. It wasn’t until one day I went to the store to try on some pants and I had to keep going up a size. I had to try on a size 26. It was at this point that I had to stop and ask myself “Girl when in the world did you lose control.”
Being only 5’1 carrying 300 pounds of excess weight was a lot for my body frame not to mention for my joints and bones. I knew then a change had to be made. I began researching different diets and exercise programs. While scrolling online, I came across a few videos and testimonies of people who had WLS and their amazing results. It was at that moment I knew this was the route I wanted to take…. I didn’t need a diet, I needed a total lifestyle change. After months researching weight loss surgery, I presented to my doctor the reasons why I felt I would be a good candidate. My doctor agreed with my choice and we started the discussion of the various types of weight loss surgeries. I chose to have Gastric Bypass. A surgical procedure in which the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower pouch. The small intestine is rearranged to connect to both causing one to eat very little amounts of food.
I can honestly say if I didn’t have my surgery I wouldn’t be the person who I am today. I had to change the way I thought about food and the food I consumed. It really was a new lifestyle of eating and way of life. I learned about so many foods and different workouts that would help me succeed in life. I can now say I am more aware of what I eat and I try to make healthier choices with my food. There is a misconception that WLS is the easy out for overweight people. Which is not accurate. In order to be considered a candidate, you need to go through various evaluations/screenings. (to be discussed further in part 2 of my blog) Eating healthy is always a battle for anyone thin or overweight. I like to tell myself as long as I don’t give up on my journey all the lessons I have learned thus far weren’t done in vain.
This is a topic I am very passionate about so I’ll most likely make this a three part series as there is so much more to share. However, I just wanted to share this with my readers on my eight year anniversary in hopes that you may be that one person who needs some motivation. Life is about taking risks. However “The biggest risk you take is not taking one at all.
Have you or anyone you know made a major life change for better let me know . Thanks so much for stopping by and stay tuned for Part 2 to this topic where I dicuss life after a major change . as always Owl see you all later!!!
Vana Black
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I recently spoke to my doctor about taking charge of my health in a new way. I have lost about 130 pounds on my own but I’m still considered extremely overweight and I need help. I will be attending orientation for the WLS in two weeks. I look forward to reading more about your surgery as I embark on this new journey myself.
That’s amazing Congrats to you!!!!! That’s such a huge accomplishment to lose that much. Kudos to you Hun. Hope your weigh loss journey goes well and keep
Up the great success!!!
Thank you so much I greatly appreciate it ☺️
Love this thank you for encouragement. ..
Why thank you for taking time to read my post it makes my day to know I can help someone ?
Thank you for sharing your journey and empowering others to take back their lives and live their life to their full potential. Love your story! Congratulations!
Thanks so much…. happy I could share with you and an you enjoyed my post ?
good day,my gyno told me the other day that i should consider weight loss surgery .But i cant afford that now ,you said something about eating healthy can u share some of the food you would eat on a daily basis.
Hey Hun, make sure to stay tuned on my second post I will be discussing how to go about affording it and the meals plans. I follow a pretty simple plan though high protein keeps you full longer and I try to minimize the carbs.
Great job and great motivation.
Thank so much for reading ? happy I could brighten someone’s day
Hello I have just started the process of looking into WLS and I am getting ready to do my psych evaluation and set up an appointment with the surgeon to discuss which option is best for me. I too have gotten to pants 26 at only 5’4 as well as I have younger siblings and the fact that a lot of things I can’t play or interact with them due to my size or being out of breath so I knew it was time to take charge. I am completely scared of getting surgery but I know it’s for the better are there any tips or pointers you can give for someone getting ready to take this journey?
So proud of you Vana for having the courage to have WLS !! I am overweight partly due to poor diet and party due to being disabled and so not getting much exercise . In June this year I had to be rushed to hospital due to severe vitamin deficiency that resulted in me being on a drip for three days and in hospital for 9 days. As a result of this and now eating healthier I have lost 40 pounds from 290+ pounds to 250 pounds and have dropped from having to wear 3XL tops to 2XL tops. I really hope to continue eating healthy and to lose weight. I am hoping to get a mobility scooter so I can get out more and can use my crutches when I get places.
It is the motivation I receive through following you and others on Instagram that helps me keep going . Thank you and all the best in all you do !!
Thanks you so much….. Keep pushing toward your goals as well congrats on losing and keep up with it you got this!!!!!
As I read your story I too would love to control my weight. I have tried dieting and weight loss shakes teas gym memberships that I eventually cancel. My schedule in itself is hectic because I work two jobs with only one day off in between. I have considered weight loss surgery but I also know that I want more children so I’m not sure what to do because as I come to understand gastric bypass surgery is permanent
You are going to be a blessing to sooooo many people! I am very proud of you, and absolutely love what you are doing. Keep up the hardwork my friend. God bless you.
Thank you for sharing your story. Reading your story is is very encouraging for me. I’m just starting my weight loss/ life changing journey.
Congrats on your success!!! I too need wls but the affordable healthcare in my state won’t cover it, I’ve been trying unsuccessfully on my own. I will keep trying but I’m fighting my own cravings for carbs.