Hey everyone, I know I been a little MIA with the Holidays around things get a little cray cray. But hey I’m back and today we are discussing 20 ways to jump-start 2017. So as we all know it’s that time of the month you start hearing folks say “New Year New Me” well… we not doing that over in these parts. Now I don’t really believe in making New Year’s resolutions. Most of the time we never end up keeping them, and then when we don’t stick with it we feel like a failure .Resolutions should be about embracing a different way of thinking. I feel like the real key to making your life amazing this next year is to find what makes you happy and do whatever it takes to get it and keep it. Here’s are some ways to make this the best year of your whole life.
1.Do something that scares the crap out of you.(maybe I’ll touch a spider lol)
2.Spend time with people who make life better.
3.Take a day off just because you want to.
4.Pick up a new hobby that makes you happy.
5.Read a book that will change your life.
6.Eat healthier.(or at least try)
7.TRAVEL! Theres simply so much to see in the world.
8.Get rid of things (and people!) you don’t need, positive vibes only.
9.Find a productive way to channel stress instead of letting it get you.
10.Don’t take everything too seriously. SMILE
11.Make time just for yourself sometimes you need to just zen out
12.Eat something you’ve never tried there’s such an abundance of food in the world
13.Finish something you started.
14.Work toward reaching a career goal you always thought of.
15.Forgive someone.
16.Start or even add to a savings account.
17.Treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting forever.
18. Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about.
19.Organize ( Room, House, Shoes anything get it in formation)
20.Most of all just live life you only get one so enjoy it
Here’s some recaps of fun times that made my 2016 so fun!!!!
Hope you all enjoyed my list of 20 Ways To Make This The Best Year Ever. I’m sad that 2016 is over, but I’m sure 2017 will be just as epic. Do any of you all have certain things you do to start the new year let me know. As always until next time thanks for stopping by and Owl see you later!!!!
Some really good ideas. I can see myself doing several of them.
I think your just simply amazing!! Fashionista, beautiful, funny, and have a wonderful sense of humor and personality. I pray God continue to bless you in 2017 so that you can continue blessing others!!!
You are such an inspiration and im so glad 2016 has been a good year and may 2017 bring you much happiness and success? i have two main goals for 2017 that are both achievable and another that maybe too much of a stretch. 1:- i am going to write the book ive had in my head for years, even if only read it, it will be an experience. 2:- going to do some studying. dont know what yet , maybe a language or something like criminology. 3:- this is the one that might not be achievable and that is to go and watch the World Body Building Championships in London in August. This will depend on my health and my finances., there is one other big thing in 2017 and that is i turn 50 !! There were times i never thought I’d make it to 21 let alone 50? Happy New year to you Vana and to everyone !!
8, 14, and 19 are all a work in progress! You look great in those bathing suits babe!
Great post! I really do think 2017 will be the best year ever ?
This is so fabulous and so inspiring! Love all your suggestions especially smile , read a book and add or start a savings account! Love your style ! You look absolutely amazing!
Thank you Vana for all the good advice! Baci, Valeria – Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY
Awesome post babe!!
Couldn’t agree more! My resolutions are always about changing something in my life and being better!
Love #4, #8 and #17 the most!
Great way to start the year babe!
Cheers to 2017!
This list is the truth! I caught the travel bug this year so I’m def gonna indulge!
I’m loving these tips. Definitely noted a few I do.
Thanks for this post! Take a day off and forgiving someone are lovely pieces of advice!
Loved reading all your tips to a better 2017. I’m going to try something that scares the crap of out me!! Hahaha! Thanks for sharing. ?
Hello dear such great advice for the new year! Really loved your post! I hope you have a beautiful New Year. 🙂
Much Love,