Yes folks I am 30, Childless and Single. However, I am not the only one. Many of my friends are in the same position as me. Therefore why it is in society there’s an unwritten rule that says we are supposed to have our (Sugar Honey Ice Tea) in order by the age of 30. Now I understand in earlier generations most females had the ring, children and a house before age 30. Well let me tell ya times have changed and more and more Millennials are taking longer to adapt to that lifestyle.
It seems like this point in my life I have just grown accustomed to the endless questions/comments “Why aren’t you married yet?”, “You are so beautiful, why are you still single”, “Omg, no baby you better hurry”. Let me tell you, I have heard it all. Not having children or a significant other does not signify that my life is not in order. I am simply just living life day by day, enjoying the atmosphere and my growth as a woman. I have moments I become lonely and want the love and affection of a significant other or the bond between a mother and child, but I know when it does happen it will be amazing. I just wish people really would stop asking ALL THE DAMN TIME!!!!
I think people get lost in planning and putting a time frame on things. Nobody has that just go with the flow mentality and let things fall into place. We live on large planet with so much to see and enjoy and at this moment that is what I take pleasure in without having to worry about someone depending on me to care for them. I like the freedom of being able to get up and go as I please. Some may say that is selfish but don’t we all deserve to spoil ourselves. If we do not enjoy life and take advantage of everything that it offers we will never know that experience. I want to be able to share my life story with my “future family” and maybe make new adventures together.
So folks please stop telling people they need to have things in ordered by a certain point in life or hurry before its too late. Every one moves at their own pace and things will fall into place for them when the time is right. So next time someone asks “why don’t you have kids or a husband?” take a breath, stand confident and say I’M LIVING MY LIFE AND IM HAPPY!!!!!!
Is anyone else in the same boat as me, single with no kids? Let me know what you face I love to hear.
Hope you all enjoyed reading this post. Until next time thanks for stopping by!!!!
Love stavana
Girl! Take all the time you need. What is for you will always be for you!
Great post! I have the same thoughts too.
This is absolutely and truly inspiring! Wow ! You are amazing and doing a fabulous job !
Such a beautiful post and I relate to this so much!
I’m going to be 30 this year and I’m also childless and single… And to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way!
I feel like I’ve learned so much about who I am in my 20’s so I’m not rushing into anything. I’m really not.
Thanks for sharing!
thanks so much yes my 20’s i grew up a lot I’m in no way ready to settle down right now.
BABE absolutely love reading this post and I think the same way as you. Almost many of my friends are married and with kids and Im turning 30 this year and I’m not even close to that hahaha. Finding the right persons yes but it will come when it have to come. Life is too short to be spending life under pressure. This is one of the reasons I quit my job. Doing the same thing everyday and having the social pressure is not a way of life. I also think people get married to soon or have children too soon. I think couples should enjoy their life as a couple before having children since it can change your lifestyle dramatically. Thanks for sharing this post.
yesssss I so agree i want to be able to enjoy y life and see the world and all it has to offer.
I loved hearing your side of the story because my mom got married at 23 years old and had me and my siblings so young also!
I love your writing and inspiration! You go girl!
Thank hun we gotta live life everyday as if it’s our last. There is still so much i wasn’t to see and do.
Yess honey PREACH! Lile live your lofe according to your beat. Lovw this post so much.
Very nice post and thoughts!
Thanks for sharing!
Hey girl, WOW. This post is so real! Everything you said is so inspiring. Keep living your life the way you want to. You are doing fab so far.
Much love,
Darling, it’s never ending!! If you get engaged then they will ask when you will get married, when you get married they will ask when you are having a baby, and when you have one they will ask when you are going to have a second and then a third. People just blah blah blah. Enjoy your life and focus on what you want. With love!! Baci, Valeria – Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY
Girl, you know yourself the best. It’s better to take your time than to rush into things, have a baby out of wedlock and be married to the wrong person only to get a divorce a year later. You are perfect the way you are! Don’t let anyone tell you what to do.
That’s so funny, this week I met a lot of 30 year olds who are all single and okay with it!